Learning Resource Center
With limited buildable area on their established Beltline Campus, Midlands Technical College replaced their previous library/classroom building in the heart of campus with a new facility that is not only state-of-the-art, but also one third larger in area than the previous building. This three-story building is the focal point of the Beltline Campus along Rosewood Drive and features technology-rich classrooms and computer labs on the ground floor — many equipped with distance learning capabilities. The second level contains the main entrance to the library and aligns with an existing grade on the east. A learning commons is located in the lobby and opens to a new “outdoor living room” at the campus center. A third level contains the remainder of the library program and features much-needed study rooms in a variety of sizes. The Academic Success Center with onsite tutoring and the college’s brand new Life Skills Center is located on the upper level of the building.
The library unites various campus functions to become a one-stop shop for students and faculty offering flexible and collaborative work areas, traditional quiet study space, group study, a learning commons, more than 100 computer stations, faculty offices, the Center for Academic Success, and the Life Skills Center. The project has achieved LEED Silver certification, the first on the Beltline Campus.
Midlands Technical College
Columbia, SC
Completion Date
LEED Silver